“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
From the Principal’s Desk
The administration and staff of our institution consider it a privilege to be afforded the opportunity to be an integral part of your educational development. The very existence of our profession results from the decision of your parents and you to continue your formal education at the secondary level.
Scholarship Program
Funds pooled from a staff arrangement are used to provide financial assistance to deserving students from any of the 15 villages served by our institution. This program was developed on the premise that the beneficiary must be willing and prepared to work a specified number of hours per week in an area to be determined by the staff.
News & Events
Stay updated by continually visit our website, as we post news and events happening at here at I.H.S. Sporting events and other extra-curricular activities will be listed.

Community Service
“Community service is altruistic and is a vital part of many small communities. Getting involved in your community makes it healthier and livelier. Things which could be considered community service include tutoring children, building homes in low income areas, assisting the elderly, socializing animals at animal shelters, contributing to the operations of volunteer fire departments and emergency services, or helping with civic beautification” (WiseGeek, 2011).
Independence High School as an institution pledges to provide every opportunity for its students to develop good moral character, pursue academic excellence, develop problem-solving skills and grow into knowledgeable, open minded, creative and confident young men and women. Therefore, this new and revised community service format will lend itself to develop our students’ community-centered learning and appreciation for giving back to their communities that have and are supporting them in their pursuit of education.

I.H.S Long Term Goals
1. To effect desired changes at I.H.S. that will begin the process of transformation of our institution into a professional learning community.
2. To provide students’ support services that will serve to enhance student learning. Among these are:
– Feeding Program
– Financial Assistance program
– Information and Communication Technology
3. Fencing of our 35-acre campus which incorporates the Junior College and High School.
4. To provide and develop the Expressive Arts in our institution
5. To provide students with the skills for them to become functional individuals in the workplace;
6. To ensure students develop an appreciation for their environment and a consciousness of its importance

Philosophy of Education
Independence High School values change through a renewed emphasis on innovation given the complexity of today’s world. Our success depends on the strength and quality of collaborative relationships. As such, we strive to influence and motivate teachers, parents, students and administrators to achieve educational goals by means of creating a shared culture and shared values.
Vision Statement
To work with all stakeholders to provide for the educational needs of a diverse student body by offering relevant programs that foster the development of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes which is necessary for meaningful employment and a holistic formation necessary to pursue further training and to lead meaningful lives as citizens of Belize and the global community.